Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t Whales require salt water?

This is probably the most common question we hear.  The answer is too complex to fully answer here.  Think about it this way.  If you could take a bath in either fresh water or salt water, wouldn’t you prefer fresh water?  If it is good enough for us, don’t you think whales would make the same decision if they had the choice.   Our efforts give whales more options and as we always say, if it is good for the whales, it is good for all of us.

Our original plan was to introduce large quantities of salt in to the holding area in Lake Michigan west of Agnew.  However we did not want to anger the people at Marushka who produce all of those great Lake Michigan – Unsalted shirts.

Where do we source our whales?

Because of some pending litigation, we are unable to fully disclose the source of our whales.   What we can say is our original whales were rescued from a bankrupt whale farm off the coast of Barrow, Alaska.   Now these whales will no longer suffer from the extreme cold and short days of Barrow and instead will enjoy the extreme cold and short days of Grand Haven.

How many whales do we care for?

There are a lot of them and in the future we expect there will be more.

Where can I purchase Grand Haven Whale Watching branded clothing, mugs and other gift items?

We have had a lot of requests for Grand Haven Whale Watching branded products.   Now you can have your own GHWW Gear. Our first products are ready to go with new designs coming soon.  Check out our online store and get your gear today.  Our most promising product at this time is a proposed partnership with Sweet Temptations to produce and distribute an ice cream flavor called Whale Tracks (we have not actually talked with Sweet Temptations, but we hope to do so soon).  It would be a vanilla-based ice cream with a slight hint of sea-salt, a bit of lake smell and swirls of blueberry syrup.     Let us know if you are interested in distributing Grand Haven Whale Watching products.  Email us at

Do the whales have names?

We do have one whale with a name (Moby), but so far we have reserved naming rights for people who would like to adopt a whale.  We have offered to name a whale after each of the Grand Haven city council members if they approve our request to build our headquarters on Dewey Hill.

What music do the staff of Grand Haven Whale Watching Listen to?

While our staff loves a variety of music from Gordon Lightfoot’s The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald to David Grey’s Sail Away to Christopher Cross’ Sailing and Styx’s Come Sail Away,  Most of us listen to our custom Music to Watch Whales By station on Pandora.  Take a listen and send your comments to

Do you have a question you would like to see answered here?  Please write us at

One thought on “Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Hello I am interested in whale watching I was wondering 2 things. How much are the tickets for the tour and do you have wheelchair accessibility for my grandson. He is 8yrs and wants to do this really bad. Thank you in advance.

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