Whale Watching On Lake Michigan

Watch for news about the restarting of our Whale Watching Trips in July 2025.*

New site scheduled to launch July 2067

For the first time ever, Midwestern audiences will have an opportunity to see whales in the wild.

As part of a special partnership between the Sea Watch Conservatory and Great Lakes Awareness Foundation along with a special grant from the Foundation for Oceanographic Awareness, we are pleased to announce the successful importation of a small but thriving whale population in Lake Michigan between Grand Haven and Holland, Michigan.  See red circle on the chart below for information about the general area of the whale barrier and whale location.

For the protection of both the whales and boaters, unauthorized vessels are not allowed in this area as per regulations of the US Corp of Nautical Engineers.

During the summer of 2025 you will have a  once-in-a-generation opportunity to see these beautiful creatures up close thanks to the efforts of Grand Haven Whale Watching.

Your support during our first year will help us expand.  Watch for opportunities to Ride the Whales in September 2025.

* The exact date of our first trip will be somewhat dependent on the results of the November 2024 election.  It is our hope that with Harris in the White House we will be able to obtain the funding necessary to get all of our vessels running and working to a reasonable level of safety.

148 thoughts on “Whale Watching On Lake Michigan

  1. Are your whales available for adoption? I would love to get one for my grandson, he is a big fan. I can handle the shipping of the whale, how much would one set me back? I am thinking $20, but I can be flexible. Thanks!

    • In the past, they were available for adoption in the $80 range but with inflation, we have raised the price. The adoption process is still easy and a great bargain. Please contact us to participate in our simple credit and background check required to keep our animals safe bad influences from those that adopt the whales with bad intent.

        • Please send me a private message. Right now we are only accepting crypto-currency or ElonBucks.

        • Because of a recent crackdown from the IRS we are only accepting Cryptocurrency. Will that work for you?

          • Yes, but I would like to see the whale before purchasing. Is there a place we can meet up in person? Maybe a zoom call?

          • Our internal security staff has told us not to download Zoom to our computers because it is too new. If you have either AOL Chat or CompuServe Video Relay Services, we would be happy to connect with you on these platforms. Otherwise, we can also send pictures by postal mail if you can wire us money for the stamp.

  2. I searched up an artical about it and found the truth. There is a small but thriving whale population! They have found a way to do it!
    As part of a special partnership between the Sea Watch Conservatory and Great Lakes,
    Awareness Foundation along with a special grant from the Foundation for Oceanographic Awareness, we are pleased to announce the successful importation of a small but thriving whale population in Lake Michigan between Grand Haven
    Search it up if you don’t believe me.

  3. I just want to thank your organization for giving me and my family a truly life changing experience. I never though that I would be able to show my little girl the whales, but thanks to you i was able to for fill her dreams. the price was so reasonable, and everyone was so nice. thank you.

    • Frank,
      We loved having your family join us. While we regret the leak during your trip, we appreciate your good attitude as you and your family swam toward shore. It is our hope the experience was even a greater adventure because of this situation.

    • We are not talking about Orcas. Our whales are whales. Please do not spread misinformation.

    • Please don’t be so closed minded. I assume you also think the Village of Spring Lake’s Facebook page is fake as well?

    • What makes you think so? Are you an oceanographer? In any case, thanks for your comments and we look forward to seeing you on one of our future tours. Please join us soon.

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